Saturday, March 14, 2009

pushing limits

I've been enjoying cross country skiing for the past three months. I'm progressing at a fast pace and to test how much I've learned I decided to join to an activity by the "Ski Føreningen" (Ski association) and try to go 57 kilometers in a single trip!
I'm impressed with myself, I was able to finish the 57 kilometers without major problems. My strategy was to go a little bit slower than normal and do very little stops. In fact, I can count only two stop that lasted for more than 5 minutes. The other two stops were about one minute, and they were basically to drink some water. The fact that my skis were glided was a key factor, I was able to glide quite a lot and that made the energy saving part very effective. Together with the slow pace that made me feel really well.
Nevertheless, I'm exhausted but terribly happy!

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